China,  Asia,  Travel

Xi'an (2)

I watched the Big Wild Goose Pagoda from a distance, and then went to eat biangbiang noodles and Laotongguan Roujiamo. The main difference between the old Tongguan Roujiamo and the ordinary Roujiamo is the difference in the bun. The inside of the old Tongguan Roujiamo’s thousand-layer sesame seed cake is layer by layer. After eating, I went to Yongxingfang, which felt very similar to Jinli in Chengdu. This place is definitely built for tourists, and few Xi'an locals don't know what Yongxingfang is. I saw bowls of wine smashed with my own eyes, and the broken bowls piled up into a mountain. It's really not an ordinary waste!

Come back in the afternoon and go search for food with the Canadian girl. I drank Hu spicy soup and tried the fried yogurt that I only saw in the video. There are too many delicacies to eat!

I finally met my colleagues in Nanjing tonight! If it wasn't for the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday when she came to find her husband who was on a business trip in Xi'an, I guess I wouldn't have decided to come to Xi'an for the Mid-Autumn Festival just a few days ago. Taking advantage of her husband, we ate and drank at the super beautiful W Hotel. I am ashamed to say that this is the first time I have gone to a bar when I grow up. The W Hotel has a great sense of design! It feels like it will become a landmark building.

I have seen photos of the terracotta warriors and horses countless times since I was a child, but the moment I saw the terracotta warriors and horses right in front of me was still super shocking. Fortunately, we invited a Chinese-English tour guide who has worked here for 18 years at the Terracotta Warriors. Her knowledge is so profound that there are no questions that she can't answer.

On the third night of my foodie stay in Xi’an, I had the best mutton steamed buns I’ve ever eaten. It was also the first time I ate small fried buns. It was amazing. I feel that there are still a lot of Xi'an specialties that I haven't had time to taste, so I will try harder tomorrow in half a day.

There are already many people queuing up at the Shaanxi History Museum at 7 o'clock in the morning, and the invoices will be entered at 8:30. The aunt behind me jumped in the queue blatantly and plausibly, but the boys in front didn't say a word. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I told her back. The inside of the museum is still good, with all kinds of rough or exquisite old objects on display.

Foodie’s last day in Xi’an: I ate the Ziwu Road Zhangji Roujiamo recommended by everyone. I went to the Chang'an food stall 40 minutes before the door opened, and there were already more than 70 small tables lined up, so I decided not to wait. I didn’t eat food stalls, but I saw the first restaurant in Asia. I used to think Xidan Joy City was the first! When it’s over, I’ll go to eat Dingjia’s crispy pork. How can I eat this big pot when I want to order it? ! When I was hesitating, the four little girls who came over also wanted to share a share. I asked if I could share with them. After they readily agreed, they let me taste the cakes and pancakes they brought over! You can leave Xi'an without regret!


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