China,  Asia,  Travel

Wuxi, Yixing

After visiting Wuxi Taihu Turtle (yuán) Touzhu, Li (lí) Garden, Huishan Ancient Town, and Nanchan Temple in one day. Now I find that all ancient towns are similar, and all cities have such a snack street.

Check in at Wuxi gourmet online celebrity shop: magnolia cake from Maohua cuisine, Kaiyang mixed wonton and Wuxi Xiaolong from Xishengyuan, plum cake with sesame filling from Laofatou, old chicken pancake and pumpkin cake. I'm a bit unaccustomed to the sweet wontons and steamed buns here, and the soup that comes out after one bite is all sugary. The mobile phone ran out of battery at night, and it was the first time to use a domestic shared power bank.

Yixing's greenery is simply wonderful, and there are oxygen bars everywhere! Went to Tuanjiu Scenic Area and Longbei Mountain Forest Park. The first peak in southern Jiangsu and the top of the three provinces (Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, in fact, it is only more than 600 meters). Yixing Bamboo Sea is full of bamboo all the way up, the more you climb, the more you want to eat fried bamboo shoots!


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