• China,  Asia,  Travel

    Xi'an (2)

    I watched the Big Wild Goose Pagoda from a distance, and then went to eat biangbiang noodles and Laotongguan Roujiamo. The main difference between the old Tongguan Roujiamo and the ordinary Roujiamo is the difference in the bun. The inside of the old Tongguan Roujiamo’s thousand-layer sesame seed cake is layer by layer. After I was full, I went to Yongxingfang, which felt very similar to Jinli in Chengdu...

  • China,  Asia,  Travel

    Xi'an (1)

    After listening to everyone's opinions, I will not go to Huangshan during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and I was frightened by the pictures of Huangshan crowded with people. So I took a day off in advance and went to Huashan instead. Arrive in Xi'an in the middle of the night, and take the first train to Huashan early the next morning. Later, I found out that this decision was too wise. There were very few people in the early morning, and there was no need to queue up anywhere. It saved a lot of time going north and west, and going down…

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