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San Cristóbal Week 5 Daily

Finally, on Sunday, I went to Kinoki's independent film documentary restaurant, which I didn't have time to visit last time. Most people come here to drink coffee, eat, and watch the scenery. The third floor has an excellent view. You can see the city center and even the scenery of the mountains in the distance. Unfortunately, it started to rain after a while on the third floor. Independently produced local films are shown here basically every night, and documentaries about the Zapatistas' uprising by the Zapatistas are fixed every Sunday. After buying the ticket, I gave a big bowl of popcorn in, watching and eating.

One day I suddenly remembered the delicious bagel I ate in New York. Bagels are rare here, but I found a new bagel shop nearby on Google Maps, so I went to the shop with my teacher after my Spanish class. . The open-air courtyard is very beautiful, and the bagels are also homemade, which is not bad. After that, we went to several museums in the city center together. There are metal artworks, marionettes, and hand-knitted artworks, all of which are very interesting.

One day, the Spanish teacher's mother and brother came to see her from the neighboring big city Tuxtla for a few days. She said that her brother wanted to practice English, so we went to have lunch together. Her mother was very young and gave birth to her when she was sixteen or seventeen. She said that although her brother is only 18 years old and will graduate from high school next year, he has his own opinions and ideas. Her brother takes classes in an online high school. He chooses courses and arranges timetables by himself, so the classes are held online in small classes or even one-on-one. I have never heard of such a high school. In the evening, her mother made strawberry passion fruit flavored corn juice, and the next day she specially asked her to bring me a small bottle to taste.

Another afternoon, I was suddenly a little hungry, so I went to a pizza shop opposite the door to buy a slice of pizza. Before, their shop often came to buy food or change change. In his store, I saw messages written by tourists from all over the world in various languages on the wall. In addition to the common major languages, there are also Hebrew, Korean, and Japanese. Word. It's been a long time since I wrote Chinese characters by hand, and I accidentally wrote "You You Qi" as "Long Qi". I'll make up for it, I hope it's not too obvious.

There was nothing to do on Friday afternoon, so I took the bus to Arcotete Park for a walk. I heard that it is very crowded here on weekends, and many families bring their children and pets here for barbecues or something. There is a big cave in the park, there are many stalactites in it, the passage is very narrow, and I bumped my head several times.

Every time I chat with the proprietress of the small restaurant in front of my house, most of the conversations are about food. In addition to being a chef for four years, she also bakes and worked in a cake shop. She showed me pictures of the various birthday cakes she made before, which was amazing. She also worked in an Italian restaurant and cooks a variety of Italian dishes. She is also exceptionally independent, moving to Tuxtla by herself at the age of 14 to attend secondary school. Because she didn't get along well with her mother, she still lived separately after her parents moved in two years later. She lived alone for 15 years before living with her current boyfriend.

Except for the weekends, I go out to eat a few meals here, and I usually cook some simple and healthy vegetarian meals, such as lentil soup, chickpea salad and so on. Because the proprietress and the boss don’t usually have time to cook when they open a restaurant, and the takeaway orders are also repeated from several Mexican dishes, pizzas, etc., so every time I make some dishes, I will share them with them. Because the proprietress has studied cooking and has a good understanding of food from all over the world, she is more open and willing to try food from other cultures. She also likes to eat my dishes. But the boss was a little picky, and he could tell that he wasn't too interested in the unfamiliar food I made that he had never tried.

After discussing with the landlord last week, they decided to move to a large kitchen at the back, and the rent will be much more expensive. But because the kitchen is big and the storefront is big, they will also extend their opening hours into the morning and start serving a breakfast menu. This used to be the landlord's son's burger joint, but I've never seen him run it since I've been here for over a month. The proprietress told me that they call young people in their 20s like the landlord's son nini (ni trabaja, ni estudia - neither work nor school), it's quite common, many of them are like my landlord's son, whose parents are very young When I had children, I got divorced and separated very early, and my family was pretty good, but after the children were old enough to be independent, their parents lived elsewhere, they didn’t care about them, and they didn’t pay much attention to education, so the children took the living expenses given by their parents. , not going to college or working. I see that the landlord's son often goes out to party at night, sleeps in the house in the morning, wakes up in the afternoon, eats a meal and then goes to the gym. He has a friend who often comes to him. He is only 18 years old. He is the same. He is always wandering on the street. The proprietress said that he also lives with his uncle without his parents. They seem to be lazy and have nothing to do all day long, but when you think about it, they actually feel a little sad. They have no family concept, parental care, and it is easy to lose themselves.

The proprietress and the others moved into a new large kitchen on Monday, which is much more spacious than the previous small kitchen that could only accommodate one person. One day I made handmade tortillas with her, because I took the time to make them, and they tasted better than the ones I ate before. Moving into the big kitchen, I can finally cook them a Chinese meal too. After I met the proprietress of the Chinese noodle restaurant before, I asked her where she could buy pork belly, and she was told that she had gone to a butcher shop to order in advance, because the locals usually only use pork skin without meat to make chicharrón fried pork skin. Few people buy pork belly. She told me the address of the store and I ordered a kilo. The little brother who cut the meat in the butcher shop also asked me: What do you Chinese do with this? Because I can't buy dark soy sauce and cooking wine locally, when I went to her place to eat noodles last time, she also filled me with two small bottles of local liquor pox, dark soy sauce and some aniseed. She said that she couldn't buy cooking wine either. The local liquor pox could be substituted, and the rock sugar couldn't be bought with white sugar. Their braised pork rice did the same. Saturday is the last day they open their doors at 2 pm, and they have breakfast since Sunday, so I made them a Chinese meal at noon on Saturday: braised pork, garlic broccoli and tomato scrambled eggs, also invited The neighbors who live in the next house came to eat together. Just in time for China's National Day, it's a celebration together. It was the first time I stewed such a large amount of pork belly, which weighed more than one kilogram. I was worried about the dosage, and I was worried about adding too much water. After stewing for more than an hour, the taste was really good. As soon as the dishes were cooked, the landlord came back to take care of the house, so I invited him to eat together. The braised pork was highly praised by everyone and was full of praise. A plate of tomato eggs and two plates of garlic broccoli were quickly wiped out, and they all said you should open a restaurant here. I am also very happy to see that they like to eat.

After organizing a group of people to eat at a friend's Chinese noodle restaurant last Friday, at everyone's request, we organized another dinner party this Friday and went to an Indian restaurant. Although it is not comparable to the level of Indian food in the Bay Area, because I haven't eaten Indian food for a long time, I am very satisfied after eating it. The three vegetarians in this group are all engaged in environmental protection work, and the main reasons for their vegetarianism are from the perspective of environment and animal protection.


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