Asia,  Travel,  Japan

Kyoto (3)

I rented an electric bicycle early in the morning and rode to Kiyomizu-dera at Kiyomizu Temple. Kiyomizu-dera Temple is the oldest temple in Kyoto, surrounded by green trees. The roof of the main hall has been under maintenance, and it is impossible to see the whole picture of Kiyomizu-dera Temple. It is said that the renovation work will be completed in 2020. Kiyomizu Temple is built on Mt. Otowa, so you have to climb a hill to get to the entrance.

Then we rode to Nijō Castle in Nijo Castle. When we approached Nijo Castle, we were just in time for the demonstrations, but it was not at all what the demonstrations were imagined. The parade was calm, orderly, and well-organized. Nijo Castle is surrounded by a moat, like the Forbidden City.

Lunch is eaten at a Japanese fast food restaurant like Yoshinoya on the street. It is extremely convenient to go in and order: order on the ordering machine, pay, get a ticket, sit down, and you can eat in a short while. I ordered Oyakodon (smooth egg chicken rice), although it is a fast food restaurant, it tastes much better than what I have eaten in China and the United States before.

After eating, we went to Ginkaku-ji, the famous Ginkaku-ji Temple in Kyoto, also known as Cizhao Temple. The garden planning here is so beautiful! There is a classic Japanese-style courtyard with pine, cypress and sandstone, interspersed with silver sandy beaches, which can calm my heart immediately. Walking up the steps to the top, you can overlook the Ginkaku Temple and the distant mountain scenery. The surrounding trees and lawns are so green that it is more and more unreal, and it feels like a fairyland. While walking, I met a teacher who taught French in Moscow, and said that she must bring the small green plant given to her by the gardener back to France to grow her backyard. Then the three of us who teach Chinese, English and French in another country took a photo together.

After visiting Ginkakuji Temple, on the way home, I saw wild cats lazily waiting for passers-by to feed by the roadside, as well as big birds in the river constantly flapping their wings to entertain themselves.

I finally had sushi for dinner. This is a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, but you can directly take the sushi plate on the rotating belt, or you can order food on the electronic screen, and the sushi chef will prepare it and serve it on a large plate. The green tea served here is actually matcha powder, which is much more expensive than ordinary green tea bags and has a strong taste. So satisfying to eat!


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