China,  Asia,  Travel

Zhangye, Jiayuguan, Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Mingsha Mountain, Crescent Moon Spring

From the plateau to the plain, from winter to summer, I ran five kilometers in Zhangye, but I didn't run for three weeks, and my speed dropped greatly. The colorful Danxia in Zhangye, Gansu, although the color is not as bright as seen in the previous photos, it still feels shocking at first glance. The mountain peaks here change with time and weather, and the color scenery is constantly changing, with distinct layers. In a day, all year round, no matter whether it is rainy or sunny, there are different scenery.

The next day went to Jiayuguan and Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. The Mogao Grottoes are the largest and most abundant Buddhist art site in the world. There are various paintings and colored sculptures in the caves.

The pasta in Northwest Gansu is really good. Their staple food is all kinds of noodles. Yesterday they had two meals of noodles: Zhangye’s fried firecrackers and squid roe. I was the only one who finished a big bowl of noodles. Today I ate donkey meat yellow noodles strongly recommended by the driver in Dunhuang, and apricot skin tea is also good. Now I want to eat donkey meat and drink sour plum soup.

Surrounded by Mingsha Mountain in Dunhuang, the Crescent Moon Spring resembles a crescent moon, and the peak of Mingsha Mountain is like a knife blade. Fortunately, I bought a large gauze scarf that is necessary for the aunts of the tour group two days ago, otherwise I would definitely be exposed to the sun with the temperature and sun today. In the afternoon, the temperature obviously rises, and the sand burns your feet. This is the first time I saw the desert, the first time I walked in the desert, the first time I rode a camel, and the first time I took a glider.

In the past 20 days or so, I have been walking with the big brothers and sisters in Shangrao all the way. There is always a feast in the world, and it is time for me to say goodbye to them. They tried a second time to mobilize me to give up my plan to go back to Chengdu and Chongqing and play with them, but I still insisted on my plan. When we arrived at Lanzhou Airport, we had to fly to Chongqing before we had time to eat a bowl of authentic Lanzhou Ramen. There is no one of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen on a plane: desert, Gobi, snow-capped mountains, rivers, sunset, sunset, sea of clouds.


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