• Travel,  Europe,  Spain


    I was supposed to take the train to Córdoba at 8:00 in the morning, but when I got dizzy last night, I set the alarm clock for 7:50, which should have been set for 6:50. I arrived at the train station in a leisurely manner only to find out that it was almost nine o'clock, so I had to buy a new ticket for ten o'clock, which was the first time I missed public transportation when I grew up. To the owner of the sofa...

  • Travel,  Europe,  Food,  Spain

    Granada, Ronda - Gastronomy

    Arroz Negro - Cuttlefish Ink Rice: It is a kind of Spanish risotto, and the direct translation is black rice. Similar to paella paella, the protagonist is rice, not seafood, and the taste of squid ink is very unique. Maese Pío Arrocería, a restaurant recommended by locals for eating squid ink rice, his house...

  • Travel,  Europe,  Spain


    The second time I used the ride-hailing software to travel from Granada to Ronda. Besides the car owner, there was another passenger who carpooled together. The scenery along the way is beautiful. The owner of the car is from Madrid, but he is doing a PhD in marine history at a university in the south and teaching assistants in history classes. His undergraduate studies in Madrid, postgraduate studies in Barcelona, first year PhD in Norway...

  • Travel,  Europe,  Spain

    Graneda (2)

    Since I rarely make specific plans in advance when traveling now, I only found out a few days ago that the number of tickets is limited every day, and the tickets before May are all booked. It is said that sometimes tickets need to be booked a year in advance. The Indian couple I met yesterday just went to visit, and I suggested that I spend a little more money to sign up for an explanation group that includes tickets. Fortunately, I listened to their advice, otherwise...

  • Travel,  Europe,  Spain

    Graneda (1)

    Because I was not sure how many days to stay in Madrid before, I didn’t book a train ticket or air ticket from Madrid to Granada in advance. I decided to leave this morning after I finished shopping and eating in Madrid last night, but Looking at air tickets and train tickets, one is that the price has increased a lot, and the other is that the time is not suitable. So decided to try a local friend referral for the first time…

  • Travel,  Europe,  Food,  Spain

    Madrid - Gastronomy

    Madrid is a diverse metropolis that also brings together cuisines from all over the country. Sofa owners in Madrid took me to the Cava Baja food street. The whole street is full of tapas restaurants. He also recommended me two local markets: Mercado de San Miguel and Mercado Antó…

  • Travel,  Europe,  Spain


    Taking the train from Valencia to Madrid's second-to-last station stopped for more than half an hour for no reason, but this time there was improvement, and I was not thrown off the train and waited like last time. I feel that the trains here are really unreliable, although several locals told me that they have never encountered such a thing. Arrived at the Madrid train station, the sofa owner happened to be nearby...

  • Travel,  Europe,  Spain


    The small city of Segovia, which is super beautiful on cloudy days, is located north of Madrid. The landmark building is the Roman Aqueduct Bridge, supported by nearly 170 arches, which is too domineering. Segovia Castle is said to be the prototype of Snow White's castle. As an old man, I have a good and bad way of getting up early: the good thing is that I arrived here after eight o’clock by train from Madrid, and there are only…

  • Travel,  Europe,  Food,  Spain

    Valencia - Gastronomy

    Valencia is a seaside city, and most of the tapas here are seafood. The sofa owner took me to two tapas restaurants with their own characteristics. The first restaurant, Tasca Angel, features anchovy anchovies and sardine sardines. There are a lot of older people who come here to eat them...

  • Travel,  Europe,  Spain


    Take the train from Barcelona to Valencia at noon. The trains between major cities in Spain are quite convenient, so I bought train tickets online in advance. As soon as the guy sitting next to me on the train sat down, I looked curiously at the Japanese sake sticker on his phone case, and he chatted with me when he saw that I was looking at it. It turns out that he works for a Japanese telecommunications company and often travels to Japan to...

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